

Let's Talk

Developed by
IAIAI Technologies

Independent Artists Informing Artificial Intelligence

Mymic gives birth to ‘Vocal Genesis’, transcending the limits of vocal expression and giving form to the intangible.

We believe in a future where AI voice cloning is not just a tool for artists, but a testament to the harmonious coexistence of technology and creativity.

Our exciting AI serves as a secure repository and a digital guardian, dedicated to preserving and safeguarding the cloned voices of artists. A repository where your vocal identity is not just stored but brought to life through cutting-edge cloning technology, fostering the birth of revolutionary artistic expression.

Mymic paves the way for ethical advancements in AI voice cloning, safeguarding the unique attribute of the human voice in the digital age.

Mymic is not only pioneering fresh avenues of creation with cloned voices but also ensuring that these developments remain ethical and advantageous to original voice owners.

Human authorship is a bedrock requirement of copyright.
Federal Judge Beryl Howell, United States Federal District Court for the District of Columbia
It is the choice of the creator and the rightsholder if and how to allow the use of their intellectual property. This basic principle relating to consent should not be undermined.
Tom Kiehl Interim Chief Executive UK Music, letter to Prime Minister, 10 Downing Street, London Oct 30th 2023
The U.S. Copyright Office was correct in denying copyright protections to a work that was created entirely without human involvement.
Federal Judge Beryl A. Howell of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia
In the case where a work has been generated by an artificial intelligence system, it is imperative to affix the mention "work generated by AI" as well as to insert the name of the authors of the works that allowed to achieve such a work.
PROPOSED LAW, Article L. 121-2 of the Intellectual Property Code, France Sept 12th 2023.