

Genetic Encoding and Analysis through Networked Artificial Intelligence, Tracing the Digital DNA of Copyrighted Works in Generative AI.

The GeanAI system tackles the pressing challenges faced by generative AI, particularly in the realm of copyrighted materials.

The GeanAI System is a comprehensive solution to the ongoing challenges faced by generative AI. GeanAI’s inspiration comes directly from the principles of DNA profiling and ancestry tracing.

Developed by
IAIAI Technologies

Independent Artists Informing Artificial Intelligence

Our groundbreaking AI system not only navigates the legal and ethical maze surrounding AI's interaction with copyrighted content but also draws inspiration from the intricate world of DNA profiling, ensuring a fair and ethical AI development ecosystem.

The GeanAI System offers a multitude of benefits by addressing the legal concerns surrounding the use of copyrighted materials, providing a transparent framework for obtaining proper permissions and fairly compensating copyright holders.

Much like how DNA profiles are distinctive to individuals, the GeanAI System generates a digital DNA profile for each copyrighted work, empowering artists and copyright holders with unprecedented control over the utilisation of their copyright in training AI.

The GeanAI method mirrors human genetic ancestry, creating a curated collection of copyright DNA profiles and associated training permissions. The result is a protected dataset that forms the foundation for ethical AI training, establishing a fair and diverse source of reference data for generative AI.

Similar to how human DNA traces heritage and lineage, the GeanAI System analyses the digital DNA of derivatives generated by AI to identify sources that specifically influenced those derivatives. Our patented system not only safeguards copyrighted works but also ensures that copyright holders receive due recognition and fair compensation for their contributions to AI generated content.

IAIAI Technologies is dedicated to ethical AI development, ensuring that each technological leap aligns with the highest standards of ethical and human values.

The GeanAI System offers a multitude of benefits by addressing the legal concerns surrounding the use of copyrighted materials, providing a transparent framework for obtaining proper permissions and fairly compensating copyright holders. This ethical approach not only safeguards the rights of creators but also helps prevent potential legal disputes, ensuring the ethical usage of copyrighted works. By tracing back to original sources of inspiration, the GeanAI system ensures that copyright holders are acknowledged for their contributions to newly generated works.

IAIAI Technologies is dedicated to ethical AI development. We take pride in being custodians of ethical AI ensuring that each technological leap aligns with the highest standards of ethical and human values. Our GeanAI System is a testament to this dedication, bridging the worlds of generative AI and DNA profiling.

Just as DNA sheds light on our genetic heritage, the GeanAI System illuminates the path to ethical AI innovation while respecting the rights and contributions of copyright holders. It's not just about technological advancement, it's about the reformation of an industry to better serve and recognise its most vital contributors, the artists.

Human authorship is a bedrock requirement of copyright.
Federal Judge Beryl Howell, United States Federal District Court for the District of Columbia
It is the choice of the creator and the rightsholder if and how to allow the use of their intellectual property. This basic principle relating to consent should not be undermined.
Tom Kiehl Interim Chief Executive UK Music, letter to Prime Minister, 10 Downing Street, London Oct 30th 2023
The U.S. Copyright Office was correct in denying copyright protections to a work that was created entirely without human involvement.
Federal Judge Beryl A. Howell of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia
In the case where a work has been generated by an artificial intelligence system, it is imperative to affix the mention "work generated by AI" as well as to insert the name of the authors of the works that allowed to achieve such a work.
PROPOSED LAW, Article L. 121-2 of the Intellectual Property Code, France Sept 12th 2023.